Fee for the retrat

Lodging in a Double occupancy room
(sharing the room with another participant)
$ 900 USD per person
Lodging in a Double occupancy room
(sharing the room with your companion)
$ 1800 USD for the participant and companion
Lodging in a Single occupancy room
(for single participant)
$ 1100 USD per person

Local field trip to Edzná Archeological Site

Access and transportation
$ 22 USD per person

Local Transportation

Merida Airport – Plaza Campeche Hotel Plaza Campeche Hotel – Merida Airport
Note: These rates are valid for the established dates of the retreat: January 8 to January 12, 2024
Public Transport Bus ticket and taxi ride
$ 27 USD per person
VAN/Sedan transportation
$ 57 USD per person
VAN/Sedan transportation
(round trip)
$ 114 USD per person
VAN/Sedan transportation arriving before January 8th
$ 171 USD per person
VAN/Sedan transportation leaving after January 12th
$ 171 USD per person
Campeche Airport – Plaza Campeche Hotel Plaza Campeche Hotel – Campeche Airport
Van shuttle
$ 9 USD per person
Van shuttle
(round trip)
$ 18 USD per person


– The registration fee covers meals, lodging, a dinner at a local restaurant, and attendance to all the sessions. 

– Partners and family are welcome to register for the retreat. Please indicate if a partner/- companion is attending on the registration page, select a double occupancy room, and provide the name and email address of your partner. The registration cost for partners/any additional family members is the same. 

– If you will attend with a partner/companion, please check the box that applies, and write all the information of your companion. 

If you rather share the room with a participant, please check the box and write the name of the participant.


The ISCHE retreat planning committee will be organizing transportation to/from the Merida and Campeche airports via van or sedan. We suggest that you use one of these options, which you can select on the registration page. If you do not choose to use transportation organized by ISCHE, you can also organize a public bus or taxi to the hotel and pay the vendor directly (estimated costs above). We will also assist you with organized transportation if you arrive before January 8th or depart after January 12th, though the price will be more expensive. 

We will ask you to enter your flight information on the registration page; if you do not have your flight information yet, we kindly ask that you send it later to and CC Carly at