Emergency Phone Numbers



Red Cross


Ángeles Verdes
Roadside Assistance and Tourists Aid



+52 981 816 4978


Which Latin American countries need a Visa to enter Mexico?

The foreigner person who presents any of the following documents
will not require a Mexican visa:

Document proving permanent residence in:
United States of America
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Any of the countries that make up the Schengen Area*

Member countries of the Pacific Alliance (Chile, Colombia, and Peru).

Valid and current visa of Canada, the United States of America, Japan, the United Kingdom
of Great Britain, and Northern Ireland or any of the countries that make up the Schengen Area.

For more information specific to your country, you can visit the following link

*Schengen Area member states:

General Recommendations


In México, it is customary to give a tip of 10% of the total service in restaurants, cafes, and other
businesses that offer meal services

Power outlet and plugs

American-type plugs or outlets with flat, parallel terminals and cylindrical grounding are the standard in Mexico. In most appliances, the common voltage is 127 V. The frequency is 60 Hz. The plugs and sockets are type A/B.

Self care tips:

Do not forget your hat.
Wear a sunscreen you feel comfortable with and reapply it every two hours if you are outdoors. When staying indoors reapply it every four hours. Do not forget your hat.
Bring mosquito repellent with you.